


set tui feature value
show tuifeature

Set the TUI feature feature to value.

TUI Features

set tui active-border-mode mode
show tui active-border-mode

Choose/show the curses library attribute for the border of the active window. Available choices are normal, standout, half, half-standout, bold, and bold-standout.

set tui border-kind kind , show tui border-kind

Set/show the characters used to draw the border to one of the following:


Draw borders using the Alternate Character Set (line drawing characters) if the terminal supports it.


Draw borders using the regular characters +, -, and |.


Draw borders using space characters.

set tui border-mode mode , show tui border-mode

Choose/show the curses library attribute for the border of the other, nonactive windows. Available choices are normal, standout, half, half-standout, bold, and bold-standout.

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