


svn merge sourceURL1[@N] sourceURL2[@M] [wcpath]
svn merge -r N:M source [path]

In the first form, the source URLs are specified at revisions N and M. These are the two sources to be compared. The revisions default to HEAD if omitted.

In the second form, source can be a URL or working copy item, in which case the corresponding URL is used. This URL, at revisions N and M, defines the two sources to be compared.

wcpath is the working copy path that will receive the changes. If wcpath is omitted, a default value of “.” is assumed, unless the sources have identical basenames that match a file within “.”, in which case, the differences are applied to that file.

Unlike svn diff, this command takes the ancestry of a file into consideration when performing a merge operation. This is very important when you’re merging changes from one branch into another and you’ve renamed a file on one branch but not the other.

Alternate Names:



Working copy

Accesses Repository:

Only if working with URLs


--config-dir dir


--diff3-cmd cmd

--non-recursive (-N)


--password pass


--quiet (-q)


--revisionrev, -rrev


--username user


Merge a branch back into the trunk (assuming that you have a working copy of the trunk, and that the branch was created in revision 250):

    $ svn 
 merge -r 250:HEAD \
    > U myproj/tiny.txt U myproj/thhgttg.txt ...

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