


cvs [cvs-options] watch command [options] [files ...]

Set files to be watched or add users to the file watch list. Users who are watching a file are notified via the script in the notify file in the repository’s CVSROOT directory when other users perform specific actions. Essential CVS explains uses of the cvs watch family of commands. See also edit, editors, unedit, and watchers.


CVS does not notify you of your own changes.

Synonyms: none.

Standard subcommand options: -l, -R.


on and off

The on and off subcommands control whether the file or files are marked as being watched. If a file is marked as being watched, CVS sets it as read-only when it is checked out of the repository. Without this read-only setting, developers might forget to use cvs edit when editing a file.

If the argument is a directory, all current files in the directory and all new files added to that directory in the future are set as being watched.

The on and off subcommands set whether a file is watchable, but they do not set who is watching it; the add and remove subcommands set whether or not you are watching a file.

add and remove

Use the add and remove subcommands to set or remove files you want to watch. Use the -a option to specify which actions you want to be notified of.


-a action

Notify the user when the designated actions occur to the file. Each -a designates one possible action. The -a option can be repeated to designate multiple actions. The -a option is usable only with the ...

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