


cvs [cvs-options] update [options] [files ...]

Download changes from the repository to an existing sandbox. While doing this, update merges changes from the repository into changed files in the sandbox. See also checkout and export.

If update cannot merge repository changes with sandbox changes without losing data, it reports a conflict.

If update is not given any filenames or directory names as parameters, it acts on the current sandbox.

Synonyms: up, upd.

Standard subcommand options: -D, -f, -k, -l, -r, -R.



Clear sticky tags, dates, and keyword-expansion modes and replace the current files in the sandbox with the head of the trunk.


Replace any file that has been changed locally with the revision from the repository that the local file was based on. The modified local file is saved as .# file . revision in the local sandbox directory.


Create any directories that are in the repository but not in the sandbox. By default, update works only on the directories that are currently in the sandbox and ignores any new directories.

-I file

Ignore file when updating. -I can be used more than once. Use -I ! to clear the list of ignored files.

-j revision [: date ]

Determine the changes between the revision the files in the sandbox are based on and the specified revision and merge the changes to the sandbox.

If two -j options are used, determine the changes between the first -j revision and the second -j revision and merge those changes to the sandbox.

The date can ...

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