


    jar [options] [manifest]dest files

Java archive tool. All the named objects and directory trees (if directories are given) are combined into a single Java archive, presumably for downloading. jar is based on the ZIP and ZLIB compression formats; zip and unzip can process .jar files with no trouble. If a manifest is not provided, jar creates one automatically. The manifest becomes the first entry in the archive, and it contains any needed metadata about the archive.

Usage is similar to tar, in that the leading - may be omitted from the options. jar is an excellent tool for creating and for opening ZIP format files; its usage is much more intuitive for the long-time Unix user already familiar with tar.



Do not use ZIP compression when creating the archive.


Create a new or empty archive to standard output.

-C directory

Change to directory before processing the filenames that follow. Multiple -C options are allowed.


The second argument, dest, is the archive to process.


Create index information for the .jar file and the ones it depends upon. Include a file named INDEX.LIST in the archive which lists location information for each package in the .jar file and all the .jar files in the Class-Path attribute of the file.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Use specified manifest instead of creating ...

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