


    uname [options]

Print the current Unix system name.

Common Options

-a, --all

Report the information supplied by all the other options.

-m, --machine

The hardware name.

-n, --nodename

The node name.

-p, --processor

The host’s processor type.

-r, --kernel-release

The operating system release.

-s, --kernel-name

The system name. This is the default action when no options are provided.

-v, --kernel-version

The operating system version.

Solaris and GNU/Linux Option

-i, --hardware-platform

The hardware platform name. (For example on Solaris, SUNW,Ultra-4; compare to sparc from -p.)

Solaris Options

-S name

Change the nodename to name. Privileged users only.


Print expanded information as expected by SCO Unix systems.

GNU/Linux Option

-o, --operating-system

Print the operating system name.

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