


    scp [options] file1 [...]file2

Securely copy files between hosts on a network, using ssh. Part of the OpenSSH suite of network tools. (See also ssh and sftp.) scp requests a password or passphrase if required. The transfer can be between two remote hosts. If more than one file is specified for file1, file2 should be a directory; otherwise, only the last file in the list is copied. file1 and file2 can be specified in any of the following ways:


Common Options


Use IPv4 addresses.


Use IPv6 addresses.


Run in batch mode. Don’t ask for passwords or passphrases.

-c cipher

Specify the cipher to be used for encrypting the data.


Enable ssh compression.

-F file

Use file as the per-user configuration file.

-i file

Specify the file that contains the identity (private key) for RSA authentication.

-o option

Specify an option to pass to ssh.


Preserve modification time, access time, and mode.

-P port

Connect to port on the remote host.


Don’t display the progress meter.


Copy directories recursively.

-S program

Specify the program to use for the encrypted connection. The program must understand ssh options.


Verbose mode.

GNU/Linux and Mac OS X Options


Force use of the SSH1 protocol.


Force use of the SSH2 protocol.

-l count

Limit the bandwidth used to count Kbits per second.

Mac OS X Option


Preserve extended attributes, such as resource forks. Both ends of the connection must be running Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

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