


    pr [options] [files]

Format one or more files according to options to standard output. Each page includes a heading that consists of the page number, filename, date, and time. When files are named directly, the date and time are those of the file’s modification time. Otherwise, the current date and time are used.

Common Options

-a, --across

Multicolumn format; list items in rows going across.

-d, --double-space

Double-spaced format.

-e[tab-char[width]], --expand-tabs=[tab-char[width]]

Convert tabs (or tab-chars) to spaces. If width is specified, convert tabs to width characters (default is 8).

-F, --form-feed

Separate pages with form feeds, not newlines. (Solaris /usr/bin/pr folds input lines, avoiding truncation by -a or -m.)

-hstr, --header=str

Replace default header with string str.


Replace spaces with tabs on output. Can specify alternative tab character (default is tab) and width (default is 8).

-ln, --length=n

Set page length to n lines (default is 66).

-m, --merge

Merge files, printing one in each column (can’t be used with - n and -a). Text is chopped to fit. See also paste.

-n[delimiter[digits]], --number-lines[=delimiter[digits]]

Number columns, or, with the -m option, number lines. Append delimiter to each number (default is a tab) and limit the size of numbers to digits (default is 5).

-on, --indent=n

Offset each line n spaces (default is 0).

-r, --no-file-warnings

Suppress messages for files that can’t ...

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