Sample .tcshrc File


    set path=(~ ~/bin /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin)
    set mail=(/var/mail/tom)

    if ($?prompt) then                   # settings for interactive use
      set echo
      set noclobber ignoreeof

      set cdpath=(/usr/lib /var/spool/uucp)
    # Now I can type cd macros
    # instead of cd /usr/lib/macros

      set history=100
      set prompt='tom \!% '              # includes history number
      set time=3


      set man1="/usr/share/man/man1"     # lets me do   cd $man1, ls $man1
      set a="[a-z]*"                     # lets me do   vi $a
      set A="[A-Z]*"                     # or           grep string $A


      alias c "clear; dirs"              # use quotes to protect ; or |
      alias h "history|more"
      alias j jobs -l
      alias ls ls -sFC                   # redefine ls command
      alias del 'mv \!* ~/tmp_dir'       # a safe alternative to rm

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