Filename Metacharacters




Match any string of zero or more characters.


Match any single character.

[ abc ...]

Match any one of the enclosed characters; a hyphen can be used to specify a range (e.g., a-z, A-Z, 0–9).


Match any character not enclosed as above.


Expand each comma-separated string inside braces. The strings need not match actual filenames.


Home directory for the current user.

~ name

Home directory of user name.

= n

The nth entry in the directory stack, counting from zero.


The last entry in the directory stack.

^ pattern

Matches anything that pattern does not match. To work correctly, pattern must contain ?, *, or [...], and should not contain {...} or ~.


    % ls new*          
                     Match new and new.1
    % cat ch?          
                     Match ch9 but not ch10
    % vi[D-R]*        
                     Match files that begin with uppercase D through R
    % ls {ch,app}?     
                     Expand, then match ch1, ch2, app1, app2
    % mv info{,.old}   
                     Expands to mv info info.old
    % cd ~tom          
                     Change to tom's home directory

    % touch aa bb cc   
                     Create some files
    % ls ^a*           
                     List nonmatching filenames
    bb  cc


On modern systems, ranges such as [D-R] are not portable; the system’s locale may include more than just the uppercase letters from D to R in the range.

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