What’s in the Quick Reference

This guide presents the major features of Solaris, GNU/Linux, and Mac OS X. In addition, this guide presents chapters on Emacs, RCS, CVS, Subversion, GNU Make, and GDB, the GNU debugger. Although they are not part of commercial Unix systems, they are found on many Unix systems because they are useful add-ons.

But keep in mind: if your system doesn’t include all the component packages, there will be commands in this book you won’t find on your system.

The summary of Unix commands in Chapter 2 makes up a large part of this book. Only user/programmer commands are included; administrative commands are purposely ignored. Chapter 2 describes the following set:

  • Commands and options in Solaris, GNU/Linux, and Mac OS X. This includes many “essential” tools for which source and/or binaries are available via the Internet

  • Solaris-only tools

  • GNU/Linux-only tools

  • Mac OS X-only tools

  • Java-related tools

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