


The class SourceLine (see Figure C-12) represents a location in a source code file. It is used to capture the location of an assertion failure. A SourceLine usually is created using the macro CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE( ), which uses the preprocessor directives _ _FILE_ _ and __LINE_ _ to obtain the filename and line number of the location where it’s invoked:

#define CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE( ) ::CppUnit::SourceLine( __FILE__, 
__LINE_  _ )

SourceLine belongs to the namespace CppUnit. It is declared in SourceLine.h and implemented in SourceLine.cpp.

The class SourceLine
Figure C-12. The class SourceLine


class SourceLine


SourceLine(string &fileName, int lineNumber)

A constructor taking a filename and line number.

SourceLine( )

A default constructor creating an uninitialized SourceLine.

virtual ~SourceLine( )

A destructor.

Public Methods

bool operator==(const SourceLine &other) const

A comparison operator.

bool operator!=(const SourceLine &other) const

An inequality operator.

string fileName( ) const

Returns the filename.

bool isValid( ) const

Returns TRUE if SourceLine is initialized (the filename is not empty).

int lineNumber( ) const

Returns the line number.

Protected/Private Methods

RepeatedTest(const RepeatedTest &)

A copy constructor declared private to prevent its use.

void operator=(const RepeatedTest &)

A copy operator declared private to prevent its use. ...

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