Retweet clearly and classily: Part 2

There are two primary ways people retweet:

  1. "RT @OriginalPosterName yadda yadda http://someURL...." (RT stands for retweeting.)

  2. "Yadda yadda yadda http://someURL (via @OriginalPosterName)."

A reasonable approach is to use RT when you're reposting a message verbatim and via when you've rewritten a message. An even better approach is to aim for a clear message and then figure out how to credit the original Twitterer or Twitterers.

Here you can see the original message from PatEx—itself a retweet—is starting to get complex. In her retweet, Sarah simplifies the message, adds her own editorial comment ("Yay"), and then appends the list of credits at the end.

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