DB2 Datatypes

As shown below, DB2 supports a rich variety of datatypes, including most of the SQL2003 datatypes:

BIGINT (SQL2003 Datatype: BIGINT)

Stores signed or unsigned integers between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Uses 8 bytes of storage.

BLOB (SQL2003 Datatype: BLOB)

Holds variable-length binary data up to 2,147,483,647 bytes in length.

CHAR(n), CHARACTER(n) (SQL2003 Datatype: CHARACTER(n))

Holds fixed-length character data up to 254 bytes in length. Uses (n) bytes of storage.

CHAR(n) FOR BIT DATA (SQL2003 Datatype: none)

Holds a fixed number of values. Uses (n) bytes of storage.

CLOB (SQL2003 Datatype: CLOB)

Holds variable-length character data up to 2,147,483,647 bytes in length.

DATALINK(n) (SQL2003 Datatype: DATALINK)

Stores a link to a file external to the database. Uses n+54 bytes of storage.

DATE (SQL2003 Datatype: DATE)

Holds a calendar date without time of day. Uses 4 bytes of storage.

DBCLOB(n) (SQL2003 Datatype: NCLOB)

Holds variable-length double-byte character data up to 107,3741,823 characters in length.

DEC(p,s), DECIMAL(p,s) (SQL2003 Datatype: DECIMAL, DECIMAL(p,s))

May have a precision of 1 to 31 and a scale of 0 to 31. Uses the integral part of (p/2)+1, where p is the precision bytes storage.


Holds floating point numbers of -1.79769E+308 through 1.79769E+308. Uses 8 bytes of storage.

FLOAT (SQL2003 Datatype: FLOAT)


FLOAT (p) (SQL2003 Datatype: ...

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