Section 1: Introduction

This unique manual is better than the manual that comes with your camera in several important ways:

  • It's organized according to efficient workflow, so you can get the most out of your Sony A100 quickly and with the least amount of bother.

  • You can find what you're looking for interactively: by using the interactive Table of Contents, choosing one of the questions in the Quick Answers section, or by following any of the convenient links we've placed throughout the document.

  • It's not a book (unless you want it to be). It's a PDF that you can read on your computer or on a PDA that fits into your camera bag. It is laid out on an 8.5 × 11-inch "page" so if you want to print, you won't have to waste paper or spend time configuring your printer.

  • Because it's a PDF, you can find subjects you're looking for by searching electronically. Typing Cmd/Ctrl-F brings up the familiar search dialog. So all you have to do to jump straight to all the references to a particular part or feature is to enter its name. (No reliance on a mindreading indexer.)

  • The PDF is photographically illustrated so you can see exactly which combination of buttons, knobs, wheels, and menu choices will help you make the magic you are hoping for.

  • In addition to teaching technically correct procedures, this document offers valuable hints for taking photographs in some of the toughest situations.


Small disclaimer: the manual that came with your camera has important safety and warranty information. In no ...

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