
sqlSelectMany — prepares and executes a SQL statement, returning a DBI statement handle


my $sth = $slashdb->sqlSelectMany($select);
my $sth = $slashdb->sqlSelectMany($select, $from);
my $sth = $slashdb->sqlSelectMany($select, $from, $where);
my $sth = $slashdb->sqlSelectMany($select, $from, $where, $other);

sqlSelectMany provides access to the underlying DBI interface. It constructs a SQL statement from its parameters, returning a statement handle which can be used to retrieve the results. It takes the same parameters and handles errors in the same way as sqlSelect.


my $sth = $slashdb->sqlSelectMany('nickname, realemail', 'users',
'seclev > 100');
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    print "Author: $row->{nickname}, email: $row->{realemail}\n";

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