Summary of rz and sz Options

Because of the prevailing poor state of RZSZ documentation in the standard Linux distributions and because RZSZ tools don’t have interactive help, we’re providing you with summaries of the important flags for using the Zmodem protocol for file transfer. However, you should get the manual pages and possibly other documentation you need from an FTP site or a BBS; see the earlier section Section H.1. When you use RZSZ on another system, you should be aware that the utilities may have been modified to support additional features or to disable standard features. Check the local documentation.

The rz utility recognizes the following flags:


Appends to any existing file of the same name, rather than overwrite it. (This can cause a malformed file if you are retransmitting an interrupted Zmodem transfer.)


Receives ASCII text and converts files to Unix newline conventions, stripping carriage returns and all characters beginning with a Ctrl-Z (the end-of-file character for the CP/M OS).


Receives binary and saves the file in exactly the form it was received.


Discards output. It sends data to /dev/null; this is useful for tests.


Escapes the control characters. By default, sz escapes XON, XOFF, and (in older versions) DLE. This option forces the sending Zmodem program to escape others as well.


Protects destination files. This option skips Zmodem transfer if a destination file of the same name already exists. (Be aware that this prevents completion ...

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