


Holds the results of a successful match, including the matched string, and submatches from match groups.

Instance Methods

[i] => string[start, length] => array[range] => array

Access match results as an array. Element 0 is the entire matched string, and elements 1 through n contain submatches.

begin(n) => integer

Return the offset of the start of the nth submatch in the string.

captures => array

Return the array of captures, equivalent to MatchData#to_a.

end(n) => integer

Return the offset of the end of the nth submatch in the string.

length => integersize => integer

Return the number of elements, including the full match and submatches, in the match array.

offset(n) => array

Return a two-element array containing the beginning and ending offsets of the nth submatch.

post_match => string

Return the portion of the original string after the current match (same as $`).

pre_match => string

Return the portion of the original string before the current match (same as $`).

select([index]*) => array

Use each index to access the submatches, returning an array of the corresponding values.

string => original_string

Return a copy of the string passed in to match.

to_a => anArray

Return the array of matches.

to_s => string

Return the entire matched string.

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