
Example 1-35. Simple search in vi

Find spider-man, Spider-Man, Spider Man
/[Ss]pider[- ][Mm]an

Example 1-36. Simple search in Vim

Find spider-man, Spider-Man, Spider Man, spiderman, SPIDER-
MAN, etc.
:set ic
/spider[- ]\=man

Example 1-37. Simple substitution in vi

Globally convert <br> to <br /> for XHTML compliance.
:set ic
: % s/<br>/<br \/>/g

Example 1-38. Simple substitution in Vim

Globally convert <br> to <br /> for XHTML compliance.
: % s/<br>/<br \/>/ig

Example 1-39. Harder substitution in Vim

Urlify: Turn URLs into HTML links
: % s/\(https\=:\/\/[a-z_.\\w\/\\#~:?+=&;%@!-]*\)/< a href="

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