
Example 29 and Example 30 are adapted from an open source example written by Philip Hazel and copyright by the University of Cambridge, England.

Example 1-29. Simple match

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pcre.h>

#define CAPTUREVECTORSIZE 30   /* should be a multiple of 3 */

int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcre *regex;
const char *error;
int erroffset;
int capturevector[CAPTUREVECTORSIZE];
int rc;

char *pattern = "spider[- ]?man";
char *text ="SPIDERMAN menaces city!";

/* Compile Regex */
regex = pcre_compile(
  PCRE_CASELESS,  /* OR'd mode modifiers */
  &error,         /* error message */
  &erroffset,     /* position in regex where error occurred */
  NULL);          /* use default locale */

/* Handle Errors */
if (regex =  = NULL)
  printf("Compilation failed at offset %d: %s\n", erroffset,
  return 1;

/* Try Match */
rc = pcre_exec(
  regex,    /* compiled regular expression */
  NULL,     /* optional results from pcre_study */
  text,     /* input string */
  (int)strlen(text), /* length of input string */
  0,        /* starting position in input string */
  0,        /* OR'd options */
  capturevector, /* holds results of capture groups */

/* Handle Errors */
if (rc < 0)
    case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH: printf("No match\n"); break;
    default: printf("Matching error %d\n", rc); break;
  return 1;
return 0;

Example 1-30. Match and capture group

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <pcre.h> #define CAPTUREVECTORSIZE 30 /* should be a multiple of 3 */ int main(int ...

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