
This package provides functions for working with regression splines using the B-spline basis, bs, and the natural cubic spline basis, ns.


as.polySplineCreates the piecewise polynomial representation of a spline object.
asVectorThis is a generic function. Methods for this function coerce objects of given classes to vectors.
backSplineCreates a monotone inverse of a monotone natural spline.
bsGenerates the B-spline basis matrix for a polynomial spline.
interpSplineCreates an interpolation spline, either from x and y vectors or from a formula/data.frame combination.
nsGenerates the B-spline basis matrix for a natural cubic spline.
periodicSplineCreates a periodic interpolation spline, either from x and y vectors or from a formula/data.frame combination.
polySplineCreates the piecewise polynomial representation of a spline object.
spline.desEvaluates the design matrix for the B-splines defined by knots at the values in x.
splineDesignEvaluates the design matrix for the B-splines defined by knots at the values in x.
splineKnotsReturns the knot vector corresponding to a spline object.
splineOrderReturns the order of a spline object.
xyVectorCreates an object to represent a set of x-y pairs.

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