
This package provides functions for kernel smoothing.


bkdeReturns x and y coordinates of the binned kernel density estimate of the probability density of the data.
bkde2DReturns the set of grid points in each coordinate direction, and the matrix of density estimates over the mesh induced by the grid points. The kernel is the standard bivariate normal density.
bkfeReturns an estimate of a binned approximation to the kernel estimate of the specified density function. The kernel is the standard normal density.
dpihUses direct plug-in methodology to select the bin width of a histogram.
dpikUses direct plug-in methodology to select the bandwidth of a kernel density estimate.
dpillUses direct plug-in methodology to select the bandwidth of a local linear Gaussian kernel regression estimate.
locpolyEstimates a probability density function, regression function, or their derivatives using local polynomials. A fast binned implementation over an equally spaced grid is used.

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