
This package provides functions for Kriging and point pattern analysis.


KaverForms the average of a series of (usually simulated) K functions.
KenvlComputes envelope (upper and lower limits) and average of simulations of K functions.
KfnActually computes L = sqrt(K/pi).
PsimSimulates binomial spatial point process.
SSISimulates SSI (sequential spatial inhibition) point process.
StraussSimulates Strauss spatial point process.
anova.trlsComputes analysis of variance tables for one or more fitted trend surface model objects; where anova.trls is called with multiple objects, it passes on the arguments to anovalist.trls.
anovalist.trlsComputes analysis of variance tables for one or more fitted trend surface model objects; where anova.trls is called with multiple objects, it passes on the arguments to anovalist.trls.
correlogramComputes spatial correlograms of spatial data or residuals.
expcovSpatial covariance function for use with surf.gls.
gaucovSpatial covariance function for use with surf.gls.
plot.trlsProvides the basic quantities used in forming a variety of diagnostics for checking the quality of regression fits for trend surfaces calculated by
ppgetregionRetrieves the rectangular domain (xl, xu) x (yl, yu) from the underlying C code.
ppinitReads a file in standard format and creates a point process object.
pplikPseudolikelihood estimation of a Strauss spatial point process.
ppregionSets the rectangular domain (xl, xu) x (yl, yu).
predict.trlsPredicted ...

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