

Valid on



When defining an attribute class, the AttributeUsage attribute specifies the program elements upon which the newly defined attribute can be placed.

The AttributeUsageAttribute class constructor is:

Public Sub New(ByVal validOn As System.AttributeTargets)

The validOn parameter indicates the program elements to which the newly defined attribute can be applied. Permitted values are: Assembly, Module, Class, Struct, Enum, Constructor, Method, Property, Field, Event, Interface, Parameter, Delegate, ReturnValue, and All.

The properties of the AttributeUsageAttribute class are:


Indicates whether the attribute can be used more than once on a single program element. The type is Boolean. The default is False.


Indicates whether the newly defined attribute is automatically inherited by derived classes and overridden members. The type is Boolean. The default is False.


Indicates the program elements to which the newly defined attribute can be applied. The type is AttributeTargets (defined in the System namespace).

See Chapter 2 for information on defining custom attributes.

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