use constant

use constant BUFFER_SIZE    => 4096;
use constant ONE_YEAR       => 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60;
use constant PI             => 4 * atan2 1, 1;
use constant DEBUGGING      => 0;
use constant ORACLE         => '';
use constant USERNAME       => scalar getpwuid($<);
use constant USERINFO       => getpwuid($<);

sub deg2rad { PI * $_[0] / 180 }

print "This line does nothing"      unless DEBUGGING;

# references can be declared constant
use constant CHASH          => { foo => 42 };
use constant CARRAY         => [ 1,2,3,4 ];
use constant CPSEUDOHASH    => [ { foo => 1}, 42 ];
use constant CCODE          => sub { "bite $_[0]\n" };

print CHASH->{foo};
print CARRAY->[$i];
print CPSEUDOHASH->{foo};
print CCODE->("me");
print CHASH->[10];                          # compile-time error

This pragma declares the named symbol to be an immutable constant[2] with the given scalar or list value. You must make a separate declaration for each symbol. Values are evaluated in list context. You may override this with scalar as we did above.

Since these constants don't have a $ on the front, you can't interpolate them directly into double-quotish strings, although you may do so indirectly:

print "The value of PI is @{[ PI ]}.\n";

Because list constants are returned as lists, not as arrays, you must subscript a list-valued constant using extra parentheses as you would any other list expression:

$homedir = USERINFO[7];             # WRONG
$homedir = (USERINFO)[7];           # ok

Although using all capital letters for constants is recommended to help them stand out and to help avoid potential collisions with ...

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