Hashes of Hashes

A multidimensional hash is the most flexible of Perl's nested structures. It's like building up a record that itself contains other records. At each level, you index into the hash with a string (quoted when necessary). Remember, however, that the key/value pairs in the hash won't come out in any particular order; you can use the sort function to retrieve the pairs in whatever order you like.

Composition of a Hash of Hashes

You can create a hash of anonymous hashes as follows:

%HoH = (
    flintstones => {
        husband   => "fred",
        pal       => "barney",
    jetsons => {
        husband   => "george",
        wife      => "jane",
        "his boy" => "elroy",  # Key quotes needed.
    simpsons => {
        husband   => "homer",
        wife      => "marge",
        kid       => "bart",

To add another anonymous hash to %HoH, you can simply say:

$HoH{ mash } = {
    captain  => "pierce",
    major    => "burns",
    corporal => "radar",

Generation of a Hash of Hashes

Here are some techniques for populating a hash of hashes. To read from a file with the following format:

flintstones: husband=fred pal=barney wife=wilma pet=dino

you could use either of the following two loops:

while ( <> ) {
    next unless s/^(.*?):\s*//;
    $who = $1;
    for $field ( split ) {
        ($key, $value) = split /=/, $field;
        $HoH{$who}{$key} = $value;

while ( <> ) {
    next unless s/^(.*?):\s*//;
    $who = $1;
    $rec = {};
    $HoH{$who} = $rec;
    for $field ( split ) {
        ($key, $value) = split /=/, $field;
        $rec->{$key} = $value;

If you have a subroutine get_family that returns a list of key/value pairs, you can ...

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