Other Resources

Here is a survey of other useful resources that supplement the documentation.

Quick Help

Quick Help is a condensed rendering of the documentation on some single topic, usually a symbol name (a class or method). It appears with regard to the current selection or insertion point automatically in the Quick Help inspector (Option-Command-2) if the inspector is showing. Thus, for example, if you’re editing code and the insertion point or selection is within the term CGPointMake, documentation for CGPointMake appears in the Quick Help inspector if it is visible.

Quick Help is also available in the Quick Help inspector for interface objects selected while editing a nib, for build settings while editing a project or target, and so forth.

A slightly reduced version of the same Quick Help documentation can be displayed as a small floating window, without the Quick Help inspector. Select a term and choose Help → Quick Help for Selected Item (Shift-Control-Command-?). Alternatively, hold down Option and hover the mouse over a term until the cursor becomes a question mark (and the term turns blue with a dashed underline); then Option-click the term.

The Quick Help documentation contains links. For example, click the Reference link to open the full documentation in the documentation window; click the header link to open the appropriate header file.


A symbol is a nonlocally defined term, such as the name of a class, method, or instance variable. If you can see the name of a symbol ...

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