Interface and Implementation

As you already know from Chapter 2, all your code is going to go into some class or other. So the first thing we must do is specify what is meant by putting code “into a class” in Objective-C. How does Objective-C say, linguistically and structurally, “This is the code for such-and-such a class”?

To write the code for a class, you must provide two chunks or sections of code, called the interface and the implementation. Here’s the complete minimum code required to define a class called MyClass. This class is so minimal that it doesn’t even have any methods of its own:

@interface MyClass
@implementation MyClass

The @interface and @implementation compiler directives show the compiler where the interface and implementation sections begin for the class that’s being defined, MyClass; the corresponding @end lines show where each of those sections end.

In real life, the implementation section is where any methods for MyClass would be defined. So here’s a class that’s actually defined to do something:

@interface MyClass
@implementation MyClass
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie {
    return @"Good night, Gracie!";

Observe how a method is defined. The first line is just like a method declaration, stating the type of method (class or instance), the type of value returned, and the name of the method along with the types of any parameters and local names for those parameters (see Chapter 3). That’s followed by curly braces containing the code to be executed when the method is called, just as with a C function (see Chapter 1).

Our minimal class is still pretty much useless, because it can’t be instantiated. In Cocoa, knowledge of how to be instantiated, plus how to do a number of other things that any class should know how to do, resides in the base class, which is the NSObject class. Therefore, all Cocoa classes must be based ultimately on the NSObject class, by declaring as the superclass for your class either NSObject or some other class that inherits from NSObject (as just about any other Cocoa class does). The syntax for this declaration is a colon followed by the superclass name in the @interface line, like this:

@interface MyClass : NSObject
@implementation MyClass
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie {
    return @"Good night, Gracie!";


NSObject is not the only Cocoa base class. It used to be, but there is now another, NSProxy. NSProxy is used only in very special circumstances and is not discussed in this book. If you have no reason for your class to inherit from any other class, make it inherit from NSObject.

In its fullest form, the interface section might contain some more material. In particular, if we want to declare our methods, so that other classes can learn about them and call them, those method declarations go into the interface section. A method declaration in code matches the name and signature for the method definition and ends with a semicolon (required):

@interface MyClass : NSObject
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie;
@implementation MyClass
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie {
    return @"Good night, Gracie!";

(Actually, it’s legal for a method definition to have a semicolon as well, before the curly braces. But that notation is rare, and I never use it in this book.)

There are also instance variables to be considered. If our class is to have any instance variables (other than those inherited from its superclass), they must be declared. In actual fact, in modern Objective-C, you will probably declare most of your instance variables implicitly, using a technique that I’ll explain in Chapter 5 and Chapter 12. But you might still occasionally declare an instance variable explicitly; and in any case, you certainly need to know how to do so.

Before iOS 5.0, explicit declaration of instance variables had to take place in curly braces at the start of the interface section:

@interface MyClass : NSObject {
    // instance variable declarations go here
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie;
@implementation MyClass
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie {
    return @"Good night, Gracie!";

However, starting with LLVM compiler version 3.0 (Xcode 4.2 and later), it is permitted to put instance variable declarations in curly braces at the start of the implementation section instead. This is a more logical place for variable declarations to go, because, as I’ll explain in the next section, the interface section is usually visible to other classes, but there is no reason why instance variables need to be visible to other classes, as they are usually private. Therefore, I prefer the new style, and will use it consistently throughout this book:

@interface MyClass : NSObject
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie;
@implementation MyClass {
    // instance variable declarations go here
- (NSString*) sayGoodnightGracie {
    return @"Good night, Gracie!";

I’ll go into more detail about instance variables in Chapter 5.

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