Data Type Qualifiers

A variable’s data type can be declared with a qualifier before the name of the type, modifying something about how that variable is to be used. For example, the declaration can be preceded by the term const, which means (K&R 2.4) that it is illegal to change the variable’s value; the variable must be initialized in the same line as the declaration, and that’s the only value it can ever have.

You can use a const variable as an alternative way (instead of #define) to prevent “magic numbers” and similar expressions. For example:

NSString* const MYKEY = @"Howdy";

The Cocoa API itself makes heavy use of this device. For example, in some circumstances Cocoa will pass a dictionary of information to your code. The documentation tells you what keys this dictionary contains. But instead of telling you a key as a string, the documentation tells you the key as a const NSString variable name:

UIKIT_EXTERN NSString *const UIApplicationStatusBarOrientationUserInfoKey;

(Never mind what UIKIT_EXTERN means.) This declaration tells you that UIApplicationStatusBarOrientationUserInfoKey is the name of an NSString, and you are to trust that its value is set for you. You are to go ahead and use this name whenever you want to speak of this particular key, secure in the knowledge that the actual string value will be substituted. You do not have to know what that actual string value is. In this way, if you make a mistake in typing the variable name, the compiler will catch the mistake because you’ll be using the name of an undefined variable.

Another commonly used qualifier is static. This term is unfortunately used in two rather different ways in C; the way I commonly use it is inside a function. Inside a function, static indicates that the memory set aside for a variable should not be released after the function returns; rather, the variable remains and maintains its value for the next time the function is called. A static variable is useful, for example, when you want to call a function many times without the overhead of calculating the result each time (after the first time). First test to see whether the static value has already been calculated: if it hasn’t, this must be the first time the function is being called, so you calculate it; if it has, you just return it. Here’s a schematic version:

int myfunction() {
    static int result = 0; // 0 means we haven't done the calculation yet
    if (result == 0) {
        // calculate result and set it
    return result;

A very common use of a static variable in Objective-C is to implement a singleton instance returned by a class factory method. If that sounds complicated, don’t worry; it isn’t. Here’s an example from my own code, which you can grasp even though we haven’t discussed Objective-C yet:

+ (CardPainter*) sharedPainter {
    static CardPainter* sp = nil;
    if (nil == sp)
        sp = [CardPainter new];
    return sp;

That code says: If the CardPainter instance sp has never been created, create it, and in any case, now return it. Thus, no matter how many times this method is called, the instance will be created just once and that same instance will be returned every time.


Static variables are a C language feature, not an Objective-C language feature. Therefore, a static variable knows nothing of classes and instances; even if it appears inside a function or a method, it is defined at the level of a file, which means, in effect, at the level of your program as a whole. That’s fine when you’re using it in a class factory method, because a class is unique to your program as a whole. But never use a static variable in an Objective-C instance method, because your program can have multiple such instances, and the value of this one static variable will apply across all of them. In other words, don’t use a C static variable as a lazy substitute for an Objective-C instance variable (Chapter 2). I’ve made that mistake, and trust me, the results are not pretty.

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