


Builds an HTML table from a query result set.



QUERY=" query_name "

The name of the query from which to pull the data used to populate the table. Required.

MAXROWS=" integer "

The maximum number of rows to output. Optional.

STARTROW=" row_number "

The query row to begin outputting from. Optional.

COLSPACING=" integer "

The number of spaces to insert between columns in the table. Optional. The default is 2.

HEADERLINES=" integer "

Displays headers for each column as specified in the CFCOL tag. Optional.

COLHEADERS=" integer "

Displays the header for each column as specified in the HEADER attribute of the CFCOL tag. Optional.


Creates the table as an HTML 3.0 table. Optional.


Used in conjunction with the HTMLTABLE attribute. Adds a border to the table. Optional.

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