
ListValueCountNoCase — New as of ColdFusion 4.01


ListValueCountNoCase(list, value [, delimiters])

Counts the number of times value appears in the specified list. The search performed is case-insensitive. An optional delimiter can be specified if the list is delimited with a character other than the comma (the default). Here’s an example that counts the number of times each unique value appears in the list and outputs the results for each item:

<CFSET MyList = "Apple,orange,apple,Orange,Peach,pear,apple,pear,peach,Pear,
<CFSET UniqueList = "">

<CFLOOP INDEX="Element" LIST="#MyList#">
  <CFIF ListFindNoCase(UniqueList, Element) IS "No">
    <CFSET UniqueList = ListAppend(UniqueList, Element)>

<CFOUTPUT><B>Original List:</B> #MyList#</CFOUTPUT>
<P><CFLOOP INDEX="Element" LIST="#UniqueList#">
    #Element# appears: #ListValueCountNoCase(MyList, Element)# times 
    regardless of case.<BR>

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