
GetTimeZoneInfo — New as of ColdFusion 4.01


GetTimeZoneInfo(  )

Returns a structure containing time-zone information for the host server calling the function. The following structure keys are returned by calling GetTimeZoneInfo( ):


Returns the local offset time in minutes from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). UTC is coordinated on the prime meridian (running through Greenwich, U.K.). Positive offset values represent time zones west of the prime meridian, while negative offsets represent time zones east of the prime meridian.


Returns the local offset time from UTC in hours.


Returns the local offset time in minutes after UTCHourOffset is applied. The value for UTCHourOffset can range from 0 to 60 depending on where a particular time zone falls in relation to the nearest hour offset. All North American time zones return 0 for UTCMinuteOffset.


Returns True if daylight savings time (DST) is turned on for the host machine and False if it isn’t.


<CFSET MyTimeZoneInfo = GetTimeZoneInfo(  )>

Local time is offset #MyTimeZoneInfo.utcTotalOffset# minutes from UTC.<BR>
Local time is offset #MyTimeZoneInfo.utcHourOffset# hours and 
#MyTimeZoneInfo.utcMinuteOffset# minutes from UTC.<BR>
Daylight Saving Time is <CFIF #MyTimeZoneInfo.isDSTOn#><B>on</B>
<CFELSE><B>off</B></CFIF> for the host.

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