
Here is the list of error responses that may be returned by the SimpleDB API interface version 2007-11-07.

Error CodeDescription
AccessFailureAccess to the resource resourceName is denied.
AuthFailureAWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials.
AuthMissingFailureAWS was not able to authenticate the request: access credentials are missing.
FeatureDeprecatedAs of API version 2007-11-07, the replace flag must be specified per attribute, not per item.
InternalErrorRequest could not be executed due to an internal service error.
InvalidActionThe action actionName is not valid for this web service.
InvalidHTTPAuthHeaderThe HTTP authorization header is bad, use correctFormat.
InvalidHttpRequestThe HTTP request is invalid. Reason: reason.
InvalidParameterValueValue value for parameter MaxNumberOfDomains is invalid. MaxNumberOfDomains must be between 1 and 100.
InvalidNextTokenThe specified next token is not valid.
InvalidNumberPredicatesToo many predicates in the query expression.
InvalidNumberValueTestsToo many value tests per predicate in the query expression.
InvalidParameterCombinationThe parameter paramName1 cannot be used with the parameter paramName2.
InvalidParameterValueValue value for parameter MaxNumberOfItems is invalid. MaxNumberOfItems must be between 1 and 250.
InvalidParameterValueValue value for parameter MaxNumberOfDomains is invalid. MaxNumberOfDomains must be between 1 and 100.
InvalidParameterValueValue value for parameter paramName is invalid. reason.
InvalidParameterValue ...

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