
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


& for referenced variables, Variables: Data Types, Loose Typing, and Scope, Passing by Value Versus Passing by Reference
<?php text sequence, Basic PHP Setup
\ (backslash)
for escaping characters, You Can Quote Me
for namespace identification, Namespaces
removing escapes from output, Escape Output–Escape Output
stripping from strings, String Modification
[ ]
for referencing arrays, Indexed Arrays, Arrays from Another Dimension
in regular expressions, String Splitting
{ }
for code blocks, Functions (Doing It Once)
for defining namespaces, Namespaces
$ for variable names, Variables: Data Types, Loose Typing, and Scope
$_ prefix for superglobals, Cookies
( ) for functions, Functions (Doing It Once)
| | (OR) condition test, If...Else...
++ command, For
# for inline comments, Whitespace, Comments, and Basic Syntax
' (single quotes) for strings, You Can Quote Me
in array keys, Associative Arrays
" (double quotes) for strings, You Can Quote Me
in array keys, Associative Arrays
/* ... */ for multiline comments, Whitespace, Comments, and Basic Syntax
// for inline comments, Whitespace, Comments, and Basic Syntax


a+ option (file management functions), File Management ...

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