17.8. Using LDAP for User Authentication


You want to restrict parts of your site to authenticated users. Instead of verifying people against a database or using HTTP Basic authorization, you want to use an LDAP server. Holding all user information in an LDAP server makes centralized user administration easier.


Use PEAR’s Auth class, which supports LDAP authentication:

$options = array('host'     => 'ldap.example.com',
                 'port'     => '389',
                 'base'     => 'o=Example Inc., c=US',
                 'userattr' => 'uid');

$auth = new Auth('LDAP', $options);

// begin validation 
// print login screen for anonymous users

if ($auth->getAuth()) {
    // content for validated users
} else {
    // content for anonymous users

// log users out


LDAP servers are designed for address storage, lookup, and retrieval, and so are better to use than standard databases like MySQL or Oracle. LDAP servers are very fast, you can easily implement access control by granting different permissions to different groups of users, and many different programs can query the server. For example, most email clients can use an LDAP server as an address book, so if you address a message to “John Smith,” the server replies with John’s email address, jsmith@example.com.

PEAR’s Auth class allows you to validate users against files, databases, and LDAP servers. The first parameter is the type of authentication to use, and the second is an array of information on how to validate users. For example: ...

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