15.6. Building Dynamic Images


You want to create an image based on a existing image template and dynamic data (typically text). For instance, you want to create a hit counter.


Load the template image, find the correct position to properly center your text, add the text to the canvas, and send the image to the browser:

// Configuration settings
$image    = ImageCreateFromPNG('button.png');
$text     = $_GET['text'];
$font     = ImagePSLoadFont('Times');
$size     = 24;
$color    = ImageColorAllocate($image,   0,   0,   0); // black
$bg_color = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255); // white

// Print centered text
list($x, $y) = pc_ImagePSCenter($image, $text, $font, $size);
ImagePSText($image, $text, $font, $size, $color, $bg_color, $x, $y);

// Send image
header('Content-type: image/png');

// Clean up


Building dynamic images with GD is easy; all you need to do is combine a few recipes together. At the top of the code in the Solution, we load in an image from a stock template button; it acts as the background on which we overlay the text. We define the text to come directly from the query string. Alternatively, we can pull the string from a database (in the case of access counters) or a remote server (stock quotes or weather report icons).

After that, we continue with the other settings: loading a font and specifying its size, color, and background color. Before printing the text, however, we need to compute its ...

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