Chapter 9. Forms


The genius of PHP is its seamless integration of form variables into your programs. It makes web programming smooth and simple, from web form to PHP code to HTML output.

There’s no built-in mechanism in HTTP to allow you to save information from one page so you can access it in other pages. That’s because HTTP is a stateless protocol. Recipe 9.2, Recipe 9.4, Recipe 9.5, and Recipe 9.6 all show ways to work around the fundamental problem of figuring out which user is making which requests to your web server.

Processing data from the user is the other main topic of this chapter. You should never trust the data coming from the browser, so it’s imperative to always validate all fields, even hidden form elements. Validation takes many forms, from ensuring the data match certain criteria, as discussed in Recipe 9.3, to escaping HTML entities to allow the safe display of user entered data, as covered in Recipe 9.9. Furthermore, Recipe 9.8 tells how to protect the security of your web server, and Recipe 9.7 covers how to process files uploaded by a user.

Whenever PHP processes a page, it checks for GET and POST form variables, uploaded files, applicable cookies, and web server and environment variables. These are then directly accessible in the following arrays: $_GET , $_POST, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, and $_ENV. They hold, respectively, all variables set by GET requests, POST requests, uploaded files, cookies, the web server, and the environment. ...

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