8.18. Eliminating “headers already sent” Errors


You are trying to send a HTTP header or cookie using header( ) or setcookie( ), but PHP reports a “headers already sent” error message.


This error happens when you send nonheader output before calling header( ) or setcookie( ).

Rewrite your code so any output happens after sending headers:

// good
setcookie("name", $name);
print "Hello $name!";

// bad
print "Hello $name!";
setcookie("name", $name);

// good
<?php setcookie("name",$name); ?>


An HTTP message has a header and a body, which are sent to the client in that order. Once you begin sending the body, you can’t send any more headers. So, if you call setcookie( ) after printing some HTML, PHP can’t send the appropriate Cookie header.

Also, remove trailing whitespace in any include files. When you include a file with blank lines outside <?php ?> tags, the blank lines are sent to the browser. Use trim( ) to remove leading and trailing blank lines from files:

$file = '/path/to/file.php';

// backup
copy($file, "$file.bak") or die("Can't copy $file: $php_errormsg);

// read and trim
$contents = trim(join('',file($file)));

// write
$fh = fopen($file, 'w')  or die("Can't open $file for writing: $php_errormsg);
if (-1 == fwrite($fh, $contents)) { die("Can't write to $file: $php_errormsg); }
fclose($fh)              or die("Can't close $file: $php_errormsg);

Instead of processing files on a one-by-one basis, it may be more convenient to do so on a ...

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