6.4. Using Named Parameters


You want to specify your arguments to a function by name, instead of simply their position in the function invocation.


Have the function use one parameter but make it an associative array:

function image($img) {
    $tag  = '<img src="' . $img['src'] . '" ';
    $tag .= 'alt="' . ($img['alt'] ? $img['alt'] : '') .'">';
    return $tag;

$image = image(array('src' => 'cow.png', 'alt' => 'cows say moo'));
$image = image(array('src' => 'pig.jpeg'));


While using named parameters makes the code inside your functions more complex, it ensures the calling code is easier to read. Since a function lives in one place but is called in many, this makes for more understandable code.

When you use this technique, PHP doesn’t complain if you accidentally misspell a parameter’s name, so you need to be careful because the parser won’t catch these types of mistakes. Also, you can’t take advantage of PHP’s ability to assign a default value for a parameter. Luckily, you can work around this deficit with some simple code at the top of the function:

function image($img) {
    if (! isset($img['src']))    { $img['src']    = 'cow.png';      }
    if (! isset($img['alt']))    { $img['alt']    = 'milk factory'; }
    if (! isset($img['height'])) { $img['height'] = 100;            }
    if (! isset($img['width']))  { $img['width']  = 50;             }

Using the isset( ) function, check to see if a value for each parameter is set; if not, assign a default value.

Alternatively, you can write a short function to handle ...

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