CD/DVD Jacket

In Elements, you can create CD jewel case inserts or DVD inserts, which appear on the front and back of the case.

To make a CD insert, in either the Editor or the Organizer, just go to Create → More Options → CD Jacket, and you get a variety of different templates, all the correct size for use in a CD case.

The steps for creating your CD Jacket are the same as for a Photo Collage, but the layout choices, of course, are different. Pay special attention to the photo placement when choosing your layout: The right side of the layout is the front cover. You can turn Auto-Fill with Project Bin Photos off or on to suit you. (If you have five photos in the Project bin, you don't want to get a five-page CD Jacket.)

Unfortunately, only the "2 Centered" CD insert layout evenly marks out the approximate spine area, where most CDs display their titles. If you decide to enter text that you want to appear on the spine, click the Horizontal Type tool (Adding Type to an Image), type away, and then go to Image → Rotate → Layer 90° Left. Then use the Move tool to place the text where you want it.


If you use a theme (Photo Collages) and you want to add spine text, remember that home inkjet printers don't do a good job printing small white type on a dark background. You're better off going with dark type on a light background.

The DVD Jacket wizard (Create → More Options → DVD Jacket) is identical except for the layout choices.

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