



Defines or retrieves a cookie. See also header.


Name of the cookie (required). Using named parameters, the syntax is:

$cookie = $query->cookie(-name=>'name',
print $query->header(-cookie=>$cookie);
-value=>' value '

A value to assign to the cookie. You can supply a scalar value, or a reference to an array or hash. If omitted, a cookie will be retrieved rather than defined.

-expires=> expcode

Specifies an expiration timestamp (such as +3d for three days). Values for expcode are:

n s

n seconds

n m

n minutes

n h

n hours

n d

n days

n M

n months

n y

n years

day_of_week, dd-MMM-YY hh:mm:ss GMT

At the specified time.


Expires immediately.

-path=>' partial_url '

The partial URL for which the cookie is valid. Default is the current URL.

-domain=>' domain_name '

The domain for which the cookie is valid.


Use this cookie only for a secure session.

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