Creating a Database

Before you can open a connection to a database with DBI, you must create the database. DBI can’t do this step for you, although your DBD might allow you to. For example, DBD::MySQL implements a _CreateDB function. Your DBD might also support the func method, which is used to call private (and often nonportable) methods in the driver. You could use a one-liner like this to create the database from the command line:

perl -MDBI -e '$db_name = q[database_name_here]; \
     $result = DBD::mysql::dr->func($db_name, '_CreateDB');'

If your DBD allows to you to create databases via the API, it’s likely that it will allow you to drop them, too:

perl -MDBI -e '$db_name = q[database_name_here]; \
    $result = DBD::mysql::dr->func($db_name, '_DropDB');'

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