


THEN is a reserved word; the PL/SQL compiler refuses to interpret it as a variable name. SYSDATE, on the other hand, is not a reserved word. Rather, it is a function declared in the STANDARD package, one of the two default packages of PL/SQL. You could write that block in an even more confusing manner, just to drive home the difference between “your” sysdate variable and the STANDARD’s SYSDATE function:

   sysdate DATE;
   sysdate := sysdate;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Date is ' || sysdate);
   sysdate := STANDARD.SYSDATE;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Date is ' || sysdate);

You will see this output:

Date is
Date is 24-JAN-99

As explained in 1-11, we developers are not allowed to constrain our own SUBTYPEs. In other words, you cannot supply after the IS keyword a datatype declaration that limits the size or length explicitly. Check out $ORACLE_HOME/RdbmsNN/admin/standard.sql (the file that creates the PL/SQL STANDARD package) for examples of constrained SUBTYPEs.



The following block of code raises a VALUE_ERROR exception when executed. It demonstrates the technique of constraining a SUBTYPE:

   primary_key NUMBER(6);
   SUBTYPE primary_key_t IS primary_key%TYPE;
   mypky primary_key_t;
   mypky := 11111111;

What you’ve done is a sleight-of-hand maneuver. You want the SUBTYPE declaration to look like this:

SUBTYPE primary_key_t IS NUMBER(6);

But that code will be rejected by the compiler. Instead, you must declare a variable with the appropriate constraint and then ...

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