Chapter 12. Cursor Variables

Cursor variables, first available in PL/SQL Version 2.3, are reference pointers to a cursor’s result set. The main advantage of a cursor variable is that it allows us to easily pass the result of a query among different PL/SQL blocks, such as procedures or functions. This chapter tests your ability to define and use cursor variables in your applications.



Which of the following statements describe a cursor variable?

  1. A SELECT statement whose WHERE clause can be varied each time the query is opened in a PL/SQL program.

  2. A pointer to the result set of a cursor (a SELECT statement that has been opened in a PL/SQL program).

  3. An explicit cursor declared in the specification of a package.


What are the two steps you must take to declare a cursor variable?


Which of the following declarations of REF CURSOR types are valid, and which are invalid?

  1. TYPE my_type IS REF CURSOR;

  2. TYPE empdept_t IS REF CURSOR JOINED emp, dept;

  3. TYPE living_wage_t IS REF CURSOR RETURN (SELECT salary FROM employee);

  4. TYPE all_orders_cvt IS REF CURSOR RETURN orders%ROWTYPE;


Given the following definitions of the table and REF CURSOR:

CREATE TABLE environmental_disaster (
    company_responsible VARCHAR2(100),
    occurred_on DATE;

   TYPE disasters_cvt IS REF CURSOR RETURN environmental_disaster%ROWTYPE;

Which of the declarations of cursor variables are valid, and which are invalid?

  1. exxon_valdez disasters_cvt;

  2. union_carbide_in_bhopal disasters_cvt%ROWTYPE;

  3. love_canal environmental_disaster%ROWTYPE; ...

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