Upgrading the CSM

I'm including a section on how to upgrade the CSM because I've found the Cisco documentation to be lacking. This process may change with future releases. Here, I'll show you how to upgrade a CSM-S (the S indicates an included SSL daughter card) from Version 2.1 to 2.1(1).

First, you must TFTP the new image to the supervisor's bootflash. The Cisco documentation indicates that the image should be placed on the device sup-bootflash:, but, in my experience, this process will not work unless the image is located on the bootflash: device. If you're having trouble getting this to work, try another bootflash device.

Then, using the tftp-server command, configure the TFTP server to serve the file you just loaded to the bootflash:

Switch(config)#tftp-server bootflash:c6slb-csms-k9y9.2-1-1.bin

To proceed, you'll need to control the CSM directly. To do this, issue the session command, followed by the module#, the keyword processor, and the processor# (which should always be zero):

Switch#session slot 8 proc 0
The default escape character is Ctrl-^, then x.
You can also type 'exit' at the remote prompt to end the session
Trying ... Open

 www.C o n t e n t      w
 www.S w i t c h i n g  w
 www.M o d u l e        w

You will now find yourself in the CSM module's CLI. Issue the upgrade command followed by slot0:, a space, and the name of the image you downloaded earlier:

CSM>upgrade slot0: c6slb-csms-k9y9.2-1-1.bin Upgrading System Image 1 ...

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