What You Will Learn

By digging into the material presented here, you will learn:

  • How simple programs can help you manipulate and analyze language data, and how to write these programs

  • How key concepts from NLP and linguistics are used to describe and analyze language

  • How data structures and algorithms are used in NLP

  • How language data is stored in standard formats, and how data can be used to evaluate the performance of NLP techniques

Depending on your background, and your motivation for being interested in NLP, you will gain different kinds of skills and knowledge from this book, as set out in Table 1.

Table 1. Skills and knowledge to be gained from reading this book, depending on readers’ goals and background


Background in arts and humanities

Background in science and engineering

Language analysis

Manipulating large corpora, exploring linguistic models, and testing empirical claims.

Using techniques in data modeling, data mining, and knowledge discovery to analyze natural language.

Language technology

Building robust systems to perform linguistic tasks with technological applications.

Using linguistic algorithms and data structures in robust language processing software.

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