Transactions and Locks

The ACID properties of a transaction can only be implemented by restricting simultaneous changes to the database. This is achieved by placing locks on modified data. These locks persist until the transaction issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.

Without locks, a change made by one transaction could be overwritten by another transaction that executes at the same time. Consider, for example, the scenario shown in Figure 8-1, based on the tfer_funds procedure of Example 8-2. When two different sessions run this program for the same account number, we encounter some obvious difficulties if locks are not in place.

Illustration of a transaction without locking
Figure 8-1. Illustration of a transaction without locking

In this scenario, account 2 starts with a balance of $2,000. Transaction A reduces the balance of the account by $100. Before transaction A commits, transaction B increases the account value by $300. Because transaction B cannot see the uncommitted updates made by transaction A, it increases the balance to $2,300. Because we allowed two transactions to simultaneously modify the same row, the database is now in an inconsistent state. The end balance for the account will be the value set by whichever transaction commits last. If transaction B is the last to commit, then the owner of account 2 will have $100 more than she should. On the other hand, if transaction A commits first, the account owner will ...

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