The Purpose of This Book

The purpose of this book is to provide a quick reference to:

  • MySQL statements and functions

  • Command-line options and configuration information for the MySQL server and utilities

  • The most popular APIs used to access MySQL databases

Several chapters start with tutorials, but the central purpose of the book is to fill in the gaps for people who are already comfortable with relational databases.

The format that I’ve followed for a description of each statement or function is to move from curt memory-joggers to more leisurely explanations. If you know the statement or function that you’re looking up, but can’t quite remember the syntax, you’ll find that first. If you need a bit more information to jog your memory or to clarify the possibilities available, you can find this in the first sentence or so of the explanation. If you require more clarification, you can continue with the slower-paced material that will follow a statement or function. Examples of usage are provided for almost all statements and functions.

In summary, the goal is to be brief but fairly complete, and to increase the level of detail as you read on.

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