
selectrow_array( )


                                  \%attributes, @values])

This returns one row from the results of an SQL statement in the form of an array, where each column returned is represented by an element of the array, in order. This method combines prepare( ), execute(), and fetchrow_array( ). No statement handle is created, so finish( ) is unnecessary. An optional second argument can specify any of the attributes allowed for a statement handle. If placeholders are used in the SQL statement, their values must be given as an array for the third argument.

my $sql_stmnt = "SELECT title, author
                 FROM books WHERE book_id = ?";
my ($title, $author) = $dbh->selectrow_array(
                             $sql_stmnt, undef, '1234');
print "$title by $author \n";

No attributes are given for the SQL statement, so undef is used for the second argument. The third argument provides the book_id number for the placeholder in the SQL statement.

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