
selectall_hashref( )


$database_handle->selectall_hashref($statement, $key_field, 
                                    \%attributes, @bind_values)

This returns a reference to a hash of references to hashes, one for each row from the results of an SQL statement given. This method combines prepare(), execute( ), and fetchall_hashref( ). An optional second argument can specify any of the attributes allowed for a statement handle. If placeholders are used in the SQL statement, their values must be given as an array for the third argument.

my $sql_stmnt = "SELECT rec_id, title, author
                 FROM books";
my $books = $dbh->selectall_hashref($sql_stmnt, 'book_id');
foreach my $book_id (keys %$books) {
   print "$books->{$book_id}{title}
          by $books->{$book_id}{author} \n";

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